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50 Best Free SEO Tools to Boost Your Website Ranking

19/10/2020 12:00 AM


50 Best Free SEO Tools to Boost Your Website Ranking

Are you looking for a list of free, best SEO tools? Then don’t look further. We are here to help you. We have searched all over the internet for free SEO tools and shortlisted them. SEO professionals recommend these tools. 

We have tried and tested each of these tools and picked the best ones. We have grouped all of these tools by category. 

If you have a short budget, this list will be helpful for you. 

Here are the categories:

  1. On-page SEO Tools
  2. Keyword Research Tools
  3. Link Building Tools
  4. Rank Tracking Tools
  5. Technical SEO Tools
  6. Local SEO Tools
  7. Analytics Tools
  8. Other Tools

Keyword Research Tools

These tools are helpful for you to discover the topics that your target audience is looking for.

1.Answer The Public

Answer the Public is a tool that is helpful to pull the questions that people are asking as well as other types of queries from Google’s autocomplete results. This tool is super useful for generating ideas. 

Answer the Public is a free tool. You can use it for two searches a day for free. 

Similar alternatives:, Keyword sheeter

2.Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool by Google. It can be used for generating keyword ideas that are based on up to ten seed keywords or from a website or URL.

However, the Keyword Planner comes with some limitations like a lack of absolute search volumes. It can be helpful to find keyword ideas that you might struggle to find using traditional keywords research tools. 

However, if Bing is a search engine you want to optimize for, remember that they have their own Keyword Planner tool. 

3.Ahref’s Keyword Generator

Ahref’s Keyword Generator helps find the top 100 keyword ideas for any seed keyword or phrase from the database of almost ten billion keywords across 170+ countries. It gives the estimated monthly search volume for every suggestion. It also shows Keyword Difficulty (KD) scores for the first ten ideas. 

You can also find the top 50 related questions. This tool can be helpful to find keyword ideas for YouTube, Bing, and Amazon. 

4.Google Trends

Google Trends is a tool that is helpful to show the popularity of a topic over time. You can use it to catch and capitalize on trending topics. You can avoid creating content about those with fading interest. 


Keyworddit is helpful to extract keywords from Reddit. You just need to enter any subreddit (e.g.,/r/bigSEO). It will pull a list of various keywords with estimated monthly search volumes. 

It is helpful to find the topics that your target audience is interested in but that you may not have otherwise considered. works to scrape the questions from Google’s People Also Ask (PAA) boxes. You can use these to find the questions and subtopics that are worthy of addressing in your article. 

For example: if you are writing an article about “how to clean a coffee maker using vinegar,” you may need to answer questions like:

  1. How much vinegar to use?
  2. How many times do you need to run vinegar through the coffee machine?
  3. Is it better to clean vinegar than regular vinegar?

7.Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a free Google Chrome Extension that helps to show estimated global and monthly search volumes for any query that you type into Google. It will also show you similar keywords and related terms in the sidebar. 

It is helpful to make it easy for you to do keyword research and competitive analysis without even leaving the SERPs.

On-page SEO Tools

These tools are helpful in organizing your pages to rank higher in the search engines. 

8.Rank Math

Rank Math is a WordPress SEO Plugin that is helpful in on-page and technical SEO.

Here are a few things it can help with:

  1. Adding meta descriptions, titles, meta tags, and other OG tags to pages and posts
  2. Adding structured data markup for rich snippets
  3. Finding dead links on your website and fixing them
  4. Redirecting URLs

Similar alternatives: All in One SEO Pack, Yoast SEO, and The SEO Framework


SERPSim is helpful to show what your web page will look like in Google’s search results. All you need to do is to enter your proposed title, URL, and Meta description. 

SERPSim will also help you if your title and description are too long. You need to fix these issues to avoid any truncation in the search results. 

Similar alternatives: Protent’s SERP Preview Tool

10.Google’s Rich Results Test

Google’s Rich Results Testing tool is helpful in checking the structured markup on your page to see if it’s suitable for rich snippets in the search results. 

11.Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator

Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator helps to create structured data markup in the JSON-LD format. You just need to select the type of Schema markup that you want to generate (e.g., local business, product, FAQs, etc.), just fill the form, then copy and paste the generated markup on your site. 

You can also check the validity of any Schema markup with Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.

12.Ahref’s SEO Toolbar

Ahref’s SEO Toolbar is an extension for Firefox and Chrome that shows Ahref’s SEO metrics right in the browser.  

It is also helpful to generate an on-page SEO report for the visited page with essential elements like the Meta description, page’s title, headers, word count, hreflang tags, OG tags, canonicals, and more. 

It can also be helpful to:

  1. Check broken links
  2. Highlight nofollow links
  3. Trace redirect chains (full path)
  4. Display Ahref’s SEO metrics in the Google SERPs

And much more.

Link Building Tools

These tools are helpful in acquiring more links to your website. 

13. Ahref’s Backlink Checker

Ahref’s Backlink Checker is helpful to show the top 100 backlinks to any web page or website.

It is also helpful to show the five most linked pages, the total number of backlinks and referring domains, most common anchor texts, and our proprietary (DR) Domain Rating and (UR) URL Rating scores. is a tool that helps to find the email addresses linked with a website. It is free for 50 requests per month. 

You can also make use of this tool to find the email address of a specific person. You just need to enter the person’s name and the domain. 

You can install the Chrome extension for quick access or also use the Google Sheets add-on.

Similar alternatives: Voila Norbert, FindThat.Email

15.Ahref’s Broken Link Checker

Ahref’s Broken Link Checker is helpful to show the top ten broken inbound and outbound links for any URL, domain, or subdomain. This tool can be used to:

  1. Look for broken link building opportunities
  2. Looking for broken pages on your site to retrieve “link authority”
  3. Find broken outbound links on your site that you can fix for improving user experience

If you like using Chrome Extensions for checking broken links on the fly, you can use Check My Links or LinkMiner


Scraper is basically a Chrome Extension that is helpful to scrape data from any web page. You can use it for a variety of purposes, like scraping link prospects from Google search results. 

17.Help a Reporter (HARO)

HARO is a free tool that helps to connect news sources with journalists looking for their expertise. 

How it works: When journalists have questions, they need experts to answer those questions. HARO is helpful to send emails with those questions to subscribers. Anyone can respond and possibly become a source of those publications. 

It doesn’t matter if you are starting or having an established site; it is a great way to build authoritative links. 

SourceBottle is a similar service.


Streak is a free Chrome Extension that helps to turn your Gmail inbox into CRM software. 

With the help of Streak, you can easily schedule and send mass personalized emails, check if someone has opened your mails, and more. It is a perfect tool for blogger outreach.

Rank Checking Tools

These tools are helpful to check rankings in a target location. 

19.Ahref’s SERP Checker

Ahref’s SERP checker helps to show the top 10 rankings of any keyword in over 170 countries. You can also see important SEO metrics for the first three search results. It helps find the number of referring domains, estimated search traffic, number of backlinks, etc.

20.Local Search Results Checker

Local Search Results Checker is a tool that helps to show you search results from any specific location. You can find search results for a particular city, town, or even ZIP level.

However, you can also specify the language according to the country. 

21.Mobile SERP Test

Mobile SERP Test is helpful to check your mobile rankings in any location, right down to any city, address, state, or zip code. 

You can also compare devices as some SEOs believe that Google shows different results for Android and iOS.

Technical SEO Tools

These tools are helpful for improving the technical aspects of your website.

22.Google Search Console

Google Search Console was also known as Google Webmaster Tools in the past. It is a free service offered by Google that helps you to monitor and troubleshoot the appearance of your website in search results. 

It can be used to find and fix technical errors, see structured data issues, submit sitemaps, and more. 

Bing and Yandex both offer their versions too. 

23.Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is a desktop-based website crawler. It is one of the most famous tools available for auditing and analyzing technical and on-page SEO issues. 

With the help of this free version, you can crawl up to 500 URLs.


Cloudflare is a free global CDN. It won’t only be helpful to speed up your website, but it will also protect your website from malicious attacks. 

25. GTMetrix

GTMetrix helps to analyze the loading speed of your web pages. However, it also helps to get the performance score, and it also shows actionable recommendations to make things load faster.

Similar Alternatives: Pingdom, Google PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest.

26. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test helps to check how easily a visitor can make use of your page on a mobile device. It also helps to identify specific mobile-usability issues like if the text is too small to read, using incompatible plugins, and so on.

27. Smush

Smush is a free WordPress plugin that can be used for optimizing, compressing, and resizing images. You can make use of this plugin to ensure that your web pages can load faster. 

Note that it allows free users only to optimize 50 images at a time. You need to keep clicking the “resume” button for optimizing the next batch of 50.

28.Where Goes?

Where Goes? is a simple tool that can be used to check redirect paths for any URL. 

You just need to paste any URL, and it will show you both the type (e.g., 301, 302, etc.) and the number of redirects in the chain. You need to minimize the number of unnecessary redirects because it will slow down your website and lead to a poor user experience. 

29.Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt Generator is a tool that helps to create properly-formatted robots.txt files within seconds. More advanced users can make use of the custom option to create individual rules for various bots, subdirectories, etc.


HEADMasterSEO is a simple tool that can be used for bulk checking the status codes for any list of URLs. However, the free version will allow you to check up to 500.

If you prefer a web-based application and want to check up to 100 URLs, you need to try

31.Keep-alive Validation SEO Tool

You can make use of this tool to know if connections are enabled or disabled on your web pages. 

32.Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is a built-in web page debugging tool by Chrome. You can make use of this tool to debug issues regarding page speed, enhance web page rendering performance, and more. 

From the technical SEO perspective, it offers endless uses.

33.View Rendered Source

View Rendered Source is basically a Chrome Extension that works to show how the browser has rendered a page’s original HTML into the DOM; it also includes modifications made by JavaScript.

It is a perfect tool for people who want to audit or troubleshoot JavaScript issues.

34. Hreflang Tag Generator

It is a tool that can be used to generate hreflang tags to identify the language and geographical targeting of a webpage. You just need to add your desired URLs and select your target country as well as language and then click generate.

Local SEO Tools

These tools are helpful for you to rank higher in local SERPs.

35.Google My Business

Google My Business is a helpful tool that helps you manage how your business appears in Google Maps and Search. 

Claiming and optimizing your business profile on this tool is one of the most important things to help you in local SEO. According to Moz 2018 study, it is one of the top local ranking factors that help you get organic results.

36. Whitespark’s Google Business Review Link Generator

Whitespark’s Google Business Review Link Generator is a tool that helps you to create a shareable link that allows your customers to review your business with a single click. 

Getting reviews on your Google Business profile is vital for local SEO. You can share this link via email or social media to make the reviewing process as easy as possible for your customers. 

37.Whitespark Local Citation Finder

Whitespark’s Local Citation Finder is a tool that is helpful in finding NAP citation opportunities for your business. 

Citation signals are quite crucial for your local rankings. 

Analytics Tools

These tools are helpful for you to measure and analyze data on your website.

38.Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the most famous analytics tool out in the market. It helps you to get a whole range of data, which can be used to improve every aspect of your marketing. 

39.Keyword Hero

Keyword Hero is a tool that helps to replace the “(not provided)” data in Google Analytics with simple search keywords. 

However, the free tier helps you to analyze up to 10 URLs and 2,000 sessions monthly.

40.Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio helps you to create interactive dashboards and reports. 

You can integrate it with Google’s suite of tools, making it easy to merge data from various places like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc. 

41.Ahref’s WordPress SEO Plugin

Ahref’s WordPress SEO Plugin is helpful for you to perform content audits and monitor your backlinks. 

This plugin works to combine data from Google Analytics and the backlink index to give your recommendations on enhancing your content, completely free.

Other Tools

These are the tools that can be used for various SEO purposes, but they didn’t fit into the categories above.


Algoroo is a tool that is used for Google algorithm tracking. It helps you track any fluctuations in the Google SERPs, which can indicate a Google algorithm update. 

43. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a tool that is helpful for you to monitor mentions of your name or business online. You can also make use of this tool to monitor your competitors. 

44.Wayback Machine

This tool is helpful for you to check how pages looked in the past. 

This tool is helpful for various tasks. For example, if you are building a broken link, it helps you to see what was originally on the dead page so you can duplicate it. 

45. Seobility

Seobility is a tool that helps you to crawl the entire website and lets you know about search engine optimization issues like:

  1. Slow loading pages
  2. Sitemap problems
  3. Blocked pages
  4. Technical SEO issues

These are the benefits that you usually get from paid SEO tools. So it is nice that this tool offers you such data for free.


Ubersuggest offers a lot of exciting features that are usually available in premium SEO tools.

It is a 100% free tool.

In order to use it, you need to put a keyword that you want to rank for, and Ubersuggest will give you a detailed report on monthly search volume, keyword difficulty, and more.


Browseo is a tool that helps you to see your site with the eyes of a search engine. This tool allows you to know how differently search engines see your website. This tool gives you the x-ray vision of your website that search engines have.

You can use this tool to get a preview of how your page appears in the search results. 

This tool helps figure out if your description tag and title are SEO-friendly. However, optimizing your title and description can be helpful in getting more organic clicks. 


Siteliner is a tool that helps you to scan your website for SEO problems. It helps to know about blocked pages, broken links, and messed up redirects. 

It also offers you the opportunity to compare your website loading speed and page size with another site. 

49.Mobile-Friendly Test

This tool is a gold standard to determine if your page is meeting Google’s mobile-friendly requirements. If your page passes the test, Google counts it as a mobile-friendly website, which is a significant ranking factor. If your page isn’t mobile-friendly, it will also give your specific areas to improve. 

50.SEO Minion

SEO Minion is a famous Chrome extension that is better than most SEO toolbars. Some of the quick features that it offers are analyzing on-page SEO, Hreflang checks, check broken links, a SERP preview tool, and a neat Google search location simulator. You would love to try this tool.

Let’s Sum it up

I hope this article helps you to know what you can do with free SEO tools. However, don’t forget about Google-arguably the most powerful free SEO tool. 

You can make use of Google to find semantically-related keywords, find guest post opportunities, and much more. 

We have tried to cover all the best free SEO tools that are helpful to increase your page rankings. However, many other free tools can outperform the tools we have enlisted above. 

We will always keep you updated with the new and better SEO tools that will help you optimize your page rankings. 

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