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The Most Popular Types of Websites

18/02/2021 2:14 PM


The Most Popular Types of Websites

With more than 4.2 billion online users and over 1.25 billion websites, the digital world has revolutionized and we’ve come a long way. Website formats range from simple text-based websites once used by the public and government institutions to photo sharing sites. Since the time the first website page went live in 1991, the web AKA “The Internet” has gone through huge changes, and now offer a wide variety of sites for consumers to choose from. 

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the most popular types of websites that you will find today.

1. E-Commerce Website

E-comm being your online platform to shop all types of consumer goods has always been one of the more popular types of websites. However, with COVID-19 changing the way everyday people operate, there has been an upward trend in e-commerce sites. People love shopping from the comfort of their home without visiting traditional brick and mortar shops and that’s why e-commerce websites are a more convenient and preferred choice of many!

One major difference between an e-commerce site and a common business website is in the highlights that it underpins. A simple company website may simply house data on the product and services so that clients may contact them straightforwardly if they need to work with them. On the other hand, an e-commerce site works the same way a storefront operates. Clients can place orders online and make payments instantly without any hassle. 

eBay and Amazon, the granddads of online business, helped paved the way for sites such as Shopify and Etsy. The online storefront has simplified the process, cut costs, and became a reliable choice for plenty of shoppers because of these platforms.  

In today’s society, E-comm has become an essential arm for all businesses. From apparel, food delivery, to cultivating materials, you will find anything and everything online. Along with purchasing any item from anywhere, payment processing has become a huge support system for the e-comm and user experience. With a favorable exchange policy, easy refund terms, and multiple payment methods, you can attract more clients to your website while taking multiple forms of revenue. 

2. Personal Blog

With the rise of social media, we’ve seen blogging become more prominent and has gained massive popularity over time. If you love sharing your thoughts, travel experiences, and information about anything, having your personal blog would be a great idea. 

There is no hard standard with regards to how to make a personal blog. Some being heavily content-driven to other blogs consisting of more text. There’s a variety of options and platforms to help you build the desired blog you’re seeking. has been one of the newer and affordable platforms that we’ve seen bloggers utilize to create their “web-logs” and have readers engage with. 

The primary accomplishment of a personal blog lies in creating content that others love to share. An ideal way out could be to find individuals who share basic interests with you. Once you have your blog site ready with some interesting content on it, the next step is to make efforts to improve your online visibility and that’s where SEO comes into play!

3. Business Website

Having visibility for your business online is the flashier version of “the yellow pages.” The way consumers operate in 2021 is by googling the desired business, location, etc., which will then list “John Smiths Auto Shop.” This creates a marketing arm for your business as well as showcasing what you do, service, or create. Your business website is always working even during the “off-hours.

The primary purpose of a business site is to improve your online visibility and make your business stand out. In order to stay top of the mind of your target audience, you need to have a professional business website that loads fast, looks amazing, and offers a hassle-free user experience. 

4. Portfolio Website

A perfect way to showcase your work is to display it online and that’s where you need a portfolio. A portfolio website is a great way to tap new clients and show your capabilities. You see brands such as Mercedes Benz, Louis Vitton, and a variety of artists showcase their brand portfolio in order to drive sales.

The key to success when creating a portfolio site is having high-resolution, visually appealing imagery and video as well as showcasing data points to any of the work you’re showing off. 

The manner in which you introduce yourself and your work on your portfolio site can have a huge effect on your capacity to procure work. Just like a blogging site, portfolio sites utilize a similar structure and layout which you would find templates for on 

5. Brochure Website

Basically, a brochure site is a computerized adaptation of a printed handout. They show the products and services your organization offers, in any case, not at all like a web-based business site. They don't sell the products and services on the web. 

With a brochure site, it’s an information platform about the merchandise and enterprises you offer, so clients can contact the organization to put in a request or book an appointment. 

A well-structured brochure site is a great tool for promoting your business. With compelling words and enthralling pictures, you can grab the attention of your target audience and earn more business.

Brochure sites are ideal for organizations with more restricted financial plans who don't regularly have to make changes to their website.  

Such websites are really helpful if you don't have enough time to spend refreshing your site. By just designing a handout site, you can leave it up on the web and possibly update it when your services or costs change. Thus, you can continue ahead with work that truly matters to you.

6. Entertainment Website

An Entertainment site centers around creating excellent diversion content for its clients. The amusement content can be News things, Blog posts, Stories, Films, Audio content, Videos, and so on. The principle point of any diversion site is to get its clients engaged while driving its business objectives. 

These sites feature engaging content for users. The content may include Online magazines, celebrity news, sports inclusion, and motion pictures.

These sites are intended to be not difficult to explore and regularly refreshed to keep clients returning for more engagement. They can be made more captivating by utilizing dynamic content, such as recordings, podcasts, slideshows, etc.

7. Crowdfunding Website

Crowdfunding sites such as Go Fund Me, Kickstarter, and Indiegogo” have been the frontrunners for chairtial organizations and startup companies. The sites themselves utilize crowdsourcing revenue for an overall purpose. 

Crowdfunding uses the easy availability of tremendous organizations of individuals through online media and crowdfunding sites to unite speculators and business people, with the possibility to build a business by extending the pool of financial specialists.

Summing up:

There are a variety of different types of websites out there on the internet. The suitable one for you depends on what your ultimate goal is. When looking to create a new website the best way to go is through sites such as where you can look at $99 dollar templated websites all the way to a full custom buildout. Having options will keep your site and business up to date and help you stand out amongst competitors. 

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